

Some of their bags were very heavy. They were the told to carry this bag with them everywhere for oe week. They would put it beside their bed at ig

After 50 years of carryig that bag aroud ad showig it to all she met as if it were proof that she was a good perso, she decided to ope it up ad

鑻辨枃缁勮瘝姣旀眽瀛楁洿寮哄ぇ銆俬ad book,had bag,had out,had i,姹夊瓧楹﹀厠椋庡崄鍒嗘粦绋斤紝鑻辨枃microphoe鍗存槸涓€涓粍鎴愮殑璇嶃€俢ompute鏄绠楃殑鎰忔€濓紝鍔犱竴涓猺(鐩稿綋浜庢眽瀛楄€咃級computer锛屽氨鏄绠楀櫒锛岃绠楁満銆侰arry鏄浇鐨勬剰鎬濓紝carrier鍔犱笂杞芥満鑰咃紝ai

rat鐨勬剰鎬濓紵鎰忔€?. 榧狅紱鍗戦剻灏忎汉锛屽彌寰抳i. 鎹曢紶锛涜儗鍙涳紝鍛婂瘑Rats carry disease.鑰侀紶浼犳挱鐤剧梾銆侽 the last day of school, you put a rat i the teacheru0026

姣忔棩鑻辫璇曢鏉ュ挴1. Iu002639;t matter

鈥滆儗榛戦攨鈥?鐢ㄨ嫳璇彲浠ユ€庝箞璇达紵1. Be left holdig the bag 鑳屽埆浜虹敥鎺夌殑鍖呰⒈锛涜儗榛戦攨I dou0026

涓€涓姞鎷垮ぇ浜虹瑧璇濇硶鍥戒汉鐨勭瑧璇濔潡旔潡?饾棽饾椆饾棻饾棽饾椏饾椆饾槅 饾棖饾棶饾椈饾棶饾棻饾椂饾棶饾椈 饾棿饾棽饾椈饾榿饾椆饾棽饾椇饾棶饾椈 饾椉饾棾 饾煷饾煰 饾棶饾椏饾椏饾椂饾槂饾棽饾棻 饾椂饾椈 饾棧饾棶饾椏饾椂饾榾 饾棷饾槅 饾椊饾椆饾棶饾椈饾棽At the Frech customs desk, the ma took a few miutes to loc

鈿犱笉鏄粈涔堜笢瑗块兘鑳藉甫涓婃満锛佹墜鎻?hadcarry1鈨d竴鑸埅绌哄叕鍙搁兘鍙厑璁?kg鍘熷洜鏄绠楅鏈洪噸閲忔苯娌逛細鏍规嵁浜哄ご鍜屾瘡涓汉鍙惡甯?kg涓烘爣鍑嗭紝瀹夊叏鎬т负鐢?鈨?鎵嬫彁鍖?Hadcarry LAG restrictio濡傛灉娌℃湁瀵勪粨锛屾瘡涓満鍦哄畨妫€閮戒細鏈塋AG闄愬埗Liquid 锛堟恫浣擄級 Aer

Bags 鍚勭琚嬪瓙鍖呭寘鐨勮嫳鏂囧悕绉?bi lier (British Eglish) (濂楀叆鍨冨溇妗跺唴鐨?鍨冨溇琚媑arbage bag/trash bag (America Eglish) (濂楀叆鍨冨溇妗跺唴鐨?鍨冨溇琚媑ift bag 绀煎搧琚媟ibbo 涓濆甫 shoppig

21涓栫邯瀛︾敓鑻辨枃鎶ワ紙鍒濅竴锛夌9鏈熶换鍔″瀷闃呰锛氳嫳鍥界殑鍘ㄨ壓璇綢 British schools鍦ㄨ嫳鍥界殑瀛︽牎閲宼ake cookig classes涓婄児楗a compulsory course蹇呬慨璇緋ut thigs together鎶婁笢瑗挎斁鍦ㄤ竴璧穖ake simpl
